How do I start working with a virtual assistant_gnasistentevirtual

How do I start working with a Virtual Asssitant?

I work with different hourly packages. So I will book those hours for your business but I will invoice you for the amount of hours that I actually work for you each month. 

This gives you peace of mind, knowing you have the support you need while knowing how much you will pay at the end of the month. 

Remember that I have other clients and that you will need to allow some time for me to finish the tasks. 

If you still don’t know the amount of hours you will need per month, we can talk about it in our free discovery call and start working with a small package. 

Here are 3 packages, but if you think you need a personalized option, please get in touch to talk about it. 



Hourly Packages

Monthly packages give you a fixed amount of hours a month to be used as needed and they can be tailored to your specific needs.

Only effectively worked hours will be invoiced (conditions apply) 

Get in touch to discuss if you had something different in mind.

5 hours

a month

A great start if you have already acknowledged that you can’t keep doing everything if you want your business to grow.

10 hours

a month

Excellent for those businesses that are growing and have detected in what areas need help.

20 hours

a month

Perfect for focusing on your business and forgetting about your everyday tasks.

How I work with my Clients

I learn about your needs and business goals

We have a free discovery video call to learn more about your business, your needs and how I could help you and your business.

I send you a quotation

After our discovery call, I will send you a quotation based on your business needs.

We sign a contract and start working together

We agree on the contract's terms, (including a confidentiality clause) and we ultimate details such as the documents sharing method, communication apps we will use, etc. to start working together.
We start working together!


Having your Admin and Finances under control is vital for your business to keep growing.

Let me help you with:

  • Website updates 
  • Kartra and online courses.
  • Specialized in LinkedIn
  • Logistics’ coordination
  • Suppliers and clients’ relations
  • Invoicing
  • Expenses and payments’ follow up
  • Cashflow
  • Documents’ preparation for Tax Advisor
  • Emails, letters, reports and quotes
  • Database and CRM management
  • Filing organisation (electronic)
  • PowerPoint/Canva Presentations
Personal Assistance_virtual assistant_GNAsistenteVirtual

Your business needs you, so does your family.

Leave your personal daily organization to me.

Especially if you are an expat living in Spain, I know language barriers can make it difficult.

Here some examples of everyday tasks I can do for you.

  • Meeting arrangements 
  • E-mail management
  • Reservations and bookings
  • Travel and flight search
  • Gift sourcing
  • Personal expenses
Online Marketin_Virtual Assistante_GNAsistenteVirtual
I can help manage your LinkedIn strategy so you can have presence and attract the right kind of followers.

Here are some examples of what I can do for you on LinkedIn and with your online Marketing

  • LinkedIn profiles set up and posting  
  • LinkedIn strategy definition and implementation. 
  • Respond to messages and comments to keep your community engaged
  • Review/audit yoru LinkedIn accounts
  • Update your Website content
  • Adding and formatting blog posts
  • Create brand-aligned content and graphics and source images for your Website and Social Media
  • Canva creations for your Blog, Social Media, Marketing Material and Webpage

Learn more about me and why I can help you 

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